How To Lose Weight Without Dieting – A Weight Loss Journey

You’ve undoubtedly tried a few diets.  I have put together this post to share with you How to Lose Weight Without Dieting.How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

Some diets have almost certainly “worked.”

At least for a time.
But, if you’re like most of us, you’ll ultimately return most or all of the weight you lost…

Then it’s time to move on to the next diet.

However, dieting is not the answer.

In fact, I’m sure it’s a significant contributor to the issue.

Permanent weight reduction does not include consuming or avoiding specific foods, or adhering to a certain diet plan.

It’s all about altering your habits—those automatic decisions we make every day.

Those behaviours are what have led you to weigh more than you would want.

Changing such behaviours may help you lose weight.

It may not help you lose weight as quickly as the current diet craze.

But altering your behaviours accomplishes something much better: it leads to long-term weight reduction without dieting.

TIP #1: HAVE A GLASS OF WATER (OR TWO) BEFORE MEALSHow To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

Water contains no calories, but it takes up a lot of room in your stomach, which causes a sensation of fullness or satiation.

New research discovered that individuals who drank two glasses of water before meals felt fuller faster, ate fewer calories, and lost more weight. That was simple!


Choosing meals with a greater water content may also help you eat less without feeling hungry.

The sole difference between grapes and raisins, for example, is that grapes contain about six times as much water.   How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

That water makes a significant difference in how much they fill you up.

You’ll feel more satisfied after eating a hundred calories worth of grapes—a small bowlful—than you would after eating a hundred calories worth of raisins, which is just a quarter cup.

Salad vegetables such as lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes, as well as broth-based soups, have high water content.

If you start your meals with a salad or a bowl of soup, you’ll likely eat fewer calories during those meals.

And, if you’re searching for a mid-meal snack, whole fruit will likely fill you up with fewer calories than dried fruit.


Often, our eyes, not our stomachs (or real hunger), dictate how much we eat.

Factors such as how much food is on the table or in the box, how much the others around us are eating, and even the size of our plates have a surprising impact on how much we eat. How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

Serve your food on smaller dishes.

Use sandwich plates instead of oversized dinner plates if your china has them.

And whatever you do, don’t bring the serving bowls to the table. Simply altering these environmental signals may help you eat less without feeling hungry.


Are afternoon cravings undermining your weight loss efforts? Stop that “snack attack” by grabbing for a stick of gum instead. How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

New research discovered that chewing gum for as little as fifteen minutes may help you feel less hungry between meals and decrease cravings, particularly for sweet foods.

Select a sugarless gum for the finest results.


Higher protein meals tend to keep you satiated for longer—and research regularly indicates that dieters who increase their protein consumption are less hungry than those who consume lower protein diets. How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

The simplest method to accomplish this is to substitute some of the carbohydrates in your meals with protein.

for example, during breakfast, you might eat one additional egg and one less piece of bread.

Alternatively, for lunch, instead of a sandwich with two slices of bread and a slice of turkey, try an open-faced sandwich with one slice of bread and two slices of turkey.

Both sandwiches contain about the same amount of calories, but the higher protein option will keep you full for longer, which may help you cut down on between-meal snacking.


According to the most recent dietary studies, sweetened beverages such as soda, juice drinks, sports drinks, and so-called “vitamin waters” now account for up to 20% of the calories eatenHow To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

by the typical American.

And these calories are eaten in addition to, not in instead of, other calories.

Drinking soda

Drinking soda with a meal, for example, may add hundreds of calories to your meal but does not help you feel fuller or eat less.

You might lose a half-pound each week by substituting one sugary beverage with water every day.


Because high fibre meals are inherently substantial, they fill you up with fewer calories and help your stomach feel full.

Fibre also decreases the rate at which food exits your stomach, allowing you to feel fuller for a longer period of time. How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

Even better, fibre promotes the release of cholecystokinin, which sends a signal back to the brain saying, “No more!”

Fibre-rich foods include dry beans, bran, veggies, and whole grains.

A high fibre cereal, for example, will keep you fuller longer than a low fibre cereal.

A cup of black bean or split pea soup will last longer than a cup of cream of mushroom soup, and so on.

Losing weight on a low fibre diet is akin to parallel parking without power steering.

Sure, it’s conceivable, but why make things more difficult than they have to be?


People who are naturally fidgety burn considerably more calories than those who aren’t—and as a consequence, they are How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey


Instead of simply sitting there, drum your fingers, tap your toes, bounce your legs, wriggle, squirm, and pace about.

Even standing up while on the phone may help.

Fidgeting may burn hundreds of calories each day, according to Mayo Clinic experts.


Refined carbs, such as bread, pastries, cookies, crackers, pretzels, candies, sweetened morning cereals, and other items produced with white flour and/or sugar, are rich in calories but not very satisfying. How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

In other words, they are extremely simple to overeat.

Replace these nutritionally deficient items with fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and protein meals, and you’ll probably discover that you consume fewer calories without feeling hungry.

As an added benefit, substituting processed carbs with whole foods improves the nutritional quality of your whole diet.


Being distracted by television, the internet, or reading material may cause you to consume much more than you would if you were paying attention. How To Lose Weight  Without Dieting - A Weight  Loss Journey

If you’re watching a movie or browsing the web and want to eat something, stop the movie or shut off the computer until you’re through.

Make the television room a no-food zone.

If you’re attempting to shed a few pounds or keep them off, check how many of these techniques you can integrate into your regular routine.

Each one may help you conserve calories without feeling restricted, which can make it a lot simpler to reach (and maintain) a healthy weight.

Those 10 Weight Loss Tips point out


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