The Gut Microbiome the Facts Now


The Gut Microbiome the Facts Now

Welcome to my website | Eke Robins 6 March 2022

First of all, you may ask What is the Gut Microbiome is?

The (Gut) Microbiome is the microbiome is a word used to describe a distinct collection of microorganisms. (Fungi, bacteria, viruses)

The colony of Gut microorganisms reside in or on the human body. (e.g., in the stomach or on the skin).

They can make you feel sick, put on weight, make you fatigued and even affect your brain – more on that later.

The gut’s enormous complexity and relevance to our overall health is a growing study area in medicine.

The gut-brain connection has been studied extensively in the last two decades.

Our digestive system used to be a “simple” tube for food to flow through, absorb, and finally discard.

Gut microbiome: The microbes dwelling in your intestines.

The digestive system contains 300-500 bacterial species.

While certain bacteria are harmful to human health, others are necessary for good health.

Gut Microbiome Bacteria may boost your:

  • Immune system
  • Reduce depressive symptoms
  • Help you lose weightDr Steven Gundry

And help with many other things, according to Dr E. M.

Quigley’s research was published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

7 Signs of a nasty stomach

Stress, lack of sleep, consuming processed, high-sugar meals and antibiotics may harm our gut microbiota.

Our hormones, capacity to absorb nutrition and even cancer development are all affected by this.

A bad stomach may show itself in many ways. Here are seven common symptoms:

1. Bloated

A sour stomach causes gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and heartburn.

A healthy gut will digest meals more efficiently and eliminate waste.

2. A sugar-rich diet

A diet substantial in processed foods and carbohydrates may reduce gut microorganisms.

This imbalance might boost sugar cravings, further damaging your stomach.

High refined sugar intake and high fructose corn syrup have been associated with increased inflammation.

Inflammation may cause several illnesses, including cancer.

3. Inadvertent weight loss

Weight gain or loss without changing your food or exercise routine may be an indication of a wrong gut.

An unbalanced stomach may impede nutrition absorption, blood sugar regulation, and fat storage.

Weight loss is induced by SIBO, whereas weight gain is caused by insulin resistance.

Also, the desire to overeat owing to poor food absorption.

4. Insomnia or chronic tiredness

A lousy stomach may cause insomnia or poor sleep, and therefore chronic exhaustion.

The gut produces most of the body’s serotonin, a mood and sleep-regulating hormone.

So gastrointestinal issues may affect sleep. Sleep difficulties have been connected to fibromyalgia risk.

5. Itching

Eczema may be linked to a compromised stomach.Woman Scratching Her Itchy Arm

Inflammation in the gut caused by poor nutrition or food allergies may increase protein leakage into the body.

This will cause skin irritation and disorders like eczema.

6. Autoimmune diseases

The gut’s influence on the immune system is constantly discovered by scientists’ Trusted Source.

A lousy stomach may cause systemic inflammation and impair the immune system’s function.

As a result, the body fights itself rather than dangerous intruders.

7. Food allergies

Food intolerance is caused by digestion issues. (This is different from a food allergy caused by an immune system reaction to certain foods).

Food intolerance may be caused by low gut flora quality.

This might cause bloating, gas, diarrhoea, stomach discomfort, and nausea.

Gut healthy and food allergies.

7 Gut-healthy habits

1. Reduce stress

Chronic high stress affects the whole body, including the stomach.

I myself had an ulcer because I was stressing all the time.

Once the ulcer was gone through medication, I promised myself never to stress again.

I am healthy now and it is not worth stressing because it will make you sick.

A pet or meditation might help reduce stress. Here are some methods to relax.

2. Sleep enough

Sleep deprivation may negatively damage gut health, leading to more excellent sleep disorders.Woman Sleeping

Prioritize 7–8 hours of unbroken sleep every night. If you have difficulties sleeping, talk to your doctor.

3. Slow down!

Chewing carefully and eating slower may assist promote complete digestion and nutrition absorption.

This may help you feel better and keep your gut healthy.

4. Rehydrate

Water has been demonstrated to benefit the mucosal lining of the intestines and the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut.

Hydration is a simple strategy to support gut health.

5. Prebiotic/probiotic

Taking a prebiotic or probiotic supplement may help enhance intestinal health.

Prebiotics are “food” for healthy bacteria, whereas probiotics are good to live bacteria.

Probiotics should not be taken by people with SIBO.

Not all probiotic supplements are created equal.

Talk to your doctor to get the most out of a probiotic or prebiotic supplement.

Now for a probiotic or prebiotic.

6. Test for dietary allergies

Food intolerance may be caused by allergies.

Avoid common trigger foods to see if your symptoms improve.

You may improve your digestive health by changing your diet if you know what is causing your problems.

7. Alter your diet

Reducing processed, high-sugar, and high-fat diets may help gut health.Picture of Spoon full of sugar with raspberry on top

Eating plenty of plant-based meals and lean protein may also help your gut.

A high-fibre diet has been demonstrated to support healthy gut microbiota.

8. Gut-friendly Foods

Diet and intestinal health are intertwined.

To maintain a healthy microbiome, processed meals, high-fat foods, and sugary foods should be avoided.

Also, some meals actively support the development of good bacteria, therefore improving your general health.

Included are:

1. Dietary Fibre

Numerous studies have demonstrated that high-fibre diets improve gut health.

High-fibre meals on intestinal health.

2. Onion, garlic

Various studies link garlic and onion to anti-cancer and immune system boosting effects related to gastrointestinal functioning.

Others of these advantages are anecdotal, while some are scientific.

3. Lactic foods

Probiotic-rich foods include kimchi, sauerkraut, yoghurt, tempeh, miso, and kefir.

While the advantages of these meals on the gut flora are widely researched, Authenticity.

4. Pro-collagen foods

Collagen-rich meals like bone broth and salmon may benefit general and intestinal health.

Many of these advantages are anecdotal, and further study is needed.

A diet rich in collagen-boosting foods may also be an option.

Try adding mushrooms, excellent dairy, or meats.

Woman Taking Care of HerselfTake of yourself

A new study shows that the human intestine is more intricate than previously imagined.

We all need a rest and take care of ourselves because no one else will do it for us.

A healthy gut supports a

  • Robust immune system
  • Heart
  • Brain
  • Mood
  • Sleep
  • Digestion

It also will help avoid several cancers and autoimmune illnesses.

You may make some lifestyle adjustments to improve your gut and general health.

I hope that The Gut Microbiome the Facts was helpful.

If You have any Questions and Comments, Please Leave them Below. I will answer them Gladly.

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The Gut Microbiome the Facts Now

4 thoughts on “The Gut Microbiome the Facts Now”

  1. It is truly amazing how much the balance of organisms in our stomachs can affect or health and well-being.  I knew of several of the effects of a harmful balance, but now I have the complete account.

    I have suffered some of the consequences at times, and switching to a healthier diet seems to be the most effective for me in restoring the proper balance.  For some reason, the prebiotics and probiotics I have tried don’t seem to make a difference.

    Do you know of any supplements to try for those like me who don’t tend to respond to the more common ones?

    • Thank you for your comment, George,

      Yes, our gut health is very important and can make us sick if it is not right. Here are some supplements to help you along. I have listed below a few supplements to help you with Gut Healthy and hope this will help you.


      Bio Complete 3Best Overall for Gut HealthMulti-GI 5Best for Digestion and Weight Management

  2. Amazing article on guy health! Taking care of our health is very important when it comes to functioning properly daily in our lives especially, the gut. There are days when I notice how sluggish I feel when my stomach doesn’t properly digest food properly. 

    Hydration does help as well as taking the time to eat your food slowly. The small important changes that a person can make to improve gut health can truly make a difference. 

    • Thank you for your comment, Terence,

      Yes, we do have to look after ourselves – no one will do it for us.

      Especially as we get older, exercise is also an important fact to stay healthy. By waking even 15 a day is OK then you can increase it 30 minutes it makes a world a difference.

      Water intake is also very important at least 2 litres a day keeps us hydrated.

      Thanks again



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