Can You Lose Weight While You Sleep? Tips and Tricks

Can You Lose Weight While You Sleep?

2. Avoid excessive cardio.

A fitness plans should include cardio for many reasons.

Notably, anyone hopes to lose weight at night should also do strength training.

Strength training continues to burn calories even after the session ends.

A simple strength workout at home or after work can keep the body burning calories all night.

Ensuring you do full-body strength training three times per week with dumbbells or a resistance band.

Exercise glutes, legs, arms, back, and core.

3. Use your body weight.

No gym or dumbbells nearby?

Anyone can do strength training with their own body weight.Woman-Weight-Training

30 seconds of holding a plank after 10 squats before bed.

Or do 5 minutes of modified pushups on knees followed by 5 minutes of walking around the house one lunge at a time.

5. Walk with hand or ankle weights.

Add 1- to 3-pound dumbbells or ankle weights to your daily walk for a strength and cardio workout.

Incorporating a consequence into your workouts helps build muscle and burn fat (yes, even when you sleep).

Walking with a dog or a friend makes it more fun and you stick to it because your dog will want to go for a walk.

When walking with a friend it keeps you motivated. I lost 20 kg by just walking.

5. 5 minutes of forwards fold

Anxiety and tension are relieved by certain yoga poses. In bed, lean forwards at the hips while sitting upright.

Then, inhale deeply for five seconds, then exhale slowly for five seconds.

Feel the legs melting and flex your feet. This helps relax the nervous system and promotes better sleep.

6. Sleep in an excellent darkroom.

People who kept their bedrooms at 66°F for a month increased their brown fat and metabolism by up to 42%.

A warm room can also keep you awake.

Bogan suggested a 65-degree setting.

Get rid of your night light to lose weight while sleeping.Woman-sleeping-in-a-dark-room

An increase in weight may be linked to exposure to light before bedtime melatonin and sleeping with a light on.

To avoid waking up in the dark, turn off your TV, phone, and bedside lamps.

7. Plan your meals.

According to SpoonGuru nutritionist Charlotte Harrison, eating and sleeping times should be consistent.

We have a 24-hour schedule that our bodies used to help us function called a circadian rhythm.

This is the body’s internal clock.

Meal times greatly influence our circadian rhythm.

‘Hunger hormones’ include ghrelin and leptin, which help us feel full, and melatonin, which helps us relax and sleep.

So that our bodies are prepared for our meals and sleep times, we should keep a consistent schedule.

8. Eat Dinner at Lunch.

I have found that if I eat a hot meal (my dinner) at lunch I have lost more weight than eating it for dinner.

You can prepare your dinner for lunch and eat a light dinner.

I usually eat a salad for dinner with one slice of bread.

Soup is also a good alternative for dinner, I would have it with some bread as well.

You don’t need a big dinner because you don’t burn calories from physical activity.

I have lost quite a few kg having my dinner at lunch.

If you are working you can prepare your dinner ahead of time and take it with you to reheat it at work.

In Germany, a hot meal is served at lunch and a cold meat and cheese meal is served at dinner.

9. Eat a light meal.

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a lord, and dinner like a pauper.

It’s not entirely untrue.

Eating a large dinner before bedtime diverts your body’s energy from detoxification and recharging.

Preserve morning and afternoon snacks.Light-Meal-for-Dinner

Harrison claims that eating a large meal before bedtime will keep you awake due to ailments like heartburn.

Her explanation: “Even the digestion process keeps you awake at night.”

The late-night snackers lost less fat than the early-day snackers, according to a recent study. Keep that in mind.

10. Don’t drink before bed.

Bogan advised to avoid alcohol and other sleep disruptors (not to mention quickly adding a few hundred calories to your daily total).

Even one alcoholic drink before bedtime can reduce the body’s ability to burn calories.

The body is trying to metabolise alcohol instead of fat, so it isn’t burning fat properly.

Let’s leave it at a glass of wine with dinner.

11. Get your protein daily.

The body’s need for protein helps regulate blood sugar levels.

All-day (and night!) long!

Protein-rich foods help build muscle and kerb cravings for calorie-dense processed foods.

Protein intake should be kept to 30-35 g per meal, says James Collier, a UK nutritionist and co-founder of

So if you want to gain muscle, make sure you eat it daily.

Lean meats like chicken and turkey breast can always be counted on to spice up your meals while adding fibre (another essential nutrient that fills you up and aids in weight loss).

12. No electronics in the room.

If you want to lose weight quickly, ditch your blue-light emitting devices.

Blue light from these devices at night has been shown to interfere with melatonin production.

Blue light exposure at night increases hunger and insulin resistance, leading to weight gain and decreased fat-burning capacity, according to a Northwestern University study.

13. Get up earlier.

Going to bed on time can help you get enough sleep, aside from limiting your evening rummaging and snacking time.

Keep your room cool, dark, and free of electronics.

If you have trouble sleeping,

Then leave your phone outside and set your thermostat to 65°F.

Keep a book by your bed to relax.

The earlier you go to bed, the better your chances of losing weight.

14. Useful Tips

Overnight, you may lose one to three pounds.Tips-and-Tricks-written-on-dominos

We lose water through sweating and urination, as well as carbon dioxide.

Our weight fluctuates throughout the day.

15. Be realistic

You cannot lose 10 pounds overnight.

Losing 1 pound requires a 3500 calorie deficit.

The average person’s daily calorie needs range from 1800 to 2500 calories depending on you activity level.

16. Set Realistic Goals.

Set realistic goals so when you step on the scales you will not be disappointed.

Keep on going you will get there. It is a Journey we are on.

17. Keep a Food Journal.

Keep a food journal so you can track what you eat and when.

This comes in very handy and tells you what foods you have to change and when you are eating those foods.

It gives you an Idea what to do better the next day.

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Can You Lose Weight While You Sleep? Tips and Tricks