How to Lose Weight Fast – Amazing Wight Loss Tips

Updated 23 March 2022 by Eke Robins.

Welcome to my Website and let’s dive right in.

I have done some research on How to Lose Weight Fast for Free.

In these hard times, it is good to get something for Free How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

especially when some people are on a curfew and can’t leave their homes.

Lose Weight from Home

We can do many things from home to Lose Weight Fast for Free. I have listed some weight loss tips which will come in very handy.


1. Don’t reduce too many Calories

Avoid significantly reducing your caloric intake.

Rapid weight reduction may disrupt your body’s metabolism and muscle composition.

When you lose a lot of weight fast, you must pay close attention to where the weight is coming from.

Is it Water Weight

Is it water weight, body fat, or muscular mass?

The bulk of the How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

time, it originates from lean muscle mass, which is precisely what creates severe problems with your metabolism.


Muscle is your body’s most powerful and active tissue for burning calories and body fat.

It’s essentially your body’s “furnace,” and you want to keep it hot at all times.

Crash Dieting

When someone loses a lot of weight, usually by crash dieting or another damaging means, their lean muscle mass is cannibalised.

They lose some of the strongest tissue for keeping a slender physique.

The hardest part is when the individual eventually chooses to abandon their diet and reverts to their bad eating habits.

BMR (basal metabolic rate)

The calories return, but since their BMR (basal metabolic rate) is reduced and they have lost muscle mass, they end up putting on body fat extremely fast!

Have you ever heard of the phrase “yo-yo” dieting? This is one of the major reasons why so many individuals struggle with their weight reduction goals.

2. Drink more Water

Drinking water is one of the most essential elements of losing weight.

Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water and need a significant quantity of this liquid to operate properly.How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

Water aids in the flushing of our systems and the removal of potentially hazardous pollutants.

Drink enough Water

When you don’t drink enough water, your body hangs onto the water it does have, making you bloated.

To release the water, you must drink enough of it throughout the day.

Water is also a fantastic non-calorie method of filling up your stomach, which helps you feel satisfied longer.

To burn more calories, sip ice-cold water.

Your body needs to heat up the ice-cold water, which requires energy (calories).

“thermogenic Effect.”

This is referred to as the “thermogenic effect.”

Drinking one gallon of ice-cold water may help you burn 100 calories more each day.

This amounts to nearly 1 pound of weight reduction each month and 12 pounds of weight loss per year!

3. Don’t forget your protein!

Include a lean protein source at each meal.

Aim for 1 Gramm of protein per pound of body weight.

By consuming adequate protein, you will keep up your nitrogen levels high, which will aid in muscle repair and development.How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

Protein has a 30% thermogenic impact, making it the most thermogenic meal when compared to all other nutrients.

This implies that for every 100 calories of protein you consume, your body burns 30 calories to digest the meal, leaving you with a net 70 calories.

4. Increase your lean Muscle Mass

Strength training helps to develop lean muscle mass.

By increasing muscle, you will be adding the most powerful fat-burning tissue to your body. How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

Muscle tissue is the most metabolically active tissue in your body, so be sure to develop as much as possible.

According to studies, every pound of muscle you add to your body burns an extra 35 to 50 calories each day.

So, an additional 10 pounds of muscle will burn roughly 350 to 500 calories each day, or an extra pound of fat every 7 to 10 days.

This is without making any additional modifications!

In another study, researchers discovered that regular weight training increases basal metabolic rate by approximately 15%.

5. Consume Smaller Meals More Often

Eating modest, healthy meals throughout the day will boost your metabolism and keep you satisfied all day.

It will help boost your energy and keep your insulin levels stable.

Ideally, you should eat 5 to 6 times each day, with approximately 3 hours between each meal.

Consider grazing instead of hoarding.How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

You should graze on little quantities of food many times a day rather than stockpiling big portions of meals a few times a day.

If you wait too long between meals, you will be tempted to binge and eat much too many calories since you will be very hungry.

6. Fill up on Fibre

Eating extra fibre is a fantastic weight-loss strategy.

Fibre will give you a sense of fullness while only providing a few calories. How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

Fibre also aids in the prevention of constipation, indigestion, gallstones, and high cholesterol, as well as the treatment of heart disease and certain malignancies.

Consume a range of fibres (soluble and insoluble).

A diverse, high fibre, healthful diet will supply both.

Fruits include soluble fibre, while whole grains have insoluble fibre.

Fibre-rich meals include oat bran, beans, lentils, fruit, vegetables, whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats.

7. Consume thermogenic Foods   

thermogenic foods are those that need the most energy (calories) to digest.

Vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, squash, celery, zucchini, peppers, lettuce, and green beans are excellent thermogenic foods.

Because these foods are low in calories, you may include a lot of them in your diet.

8. eliminate Liquid Calories

Soft drinks and high-sugar fruit juices can sabotage your weight reduction efforts.

They include a lot of sugar and calories and are easy to eat since they are in liquid form.

A 44 ounce super large gulp of coke has 415 calories of pure sugar.

This quantity of sugar produces a huge insulin surge and leads you to get hungry very quickly after drinking it.How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

Simply switching to diet soda may help you reduce a lot of calories and start losing weight.

Although this is an excellent start, you should ideally move to water as your main beverage source.

Always examine your fruit juices for excessive levels of processed sugar.

Look on the ingredients list for “high fructose corn syrup,” which is another term for sugar, and see how high it is on the list.

The first components on the list are typically the ones with the highest concentrations.

The bulk of fruit juices on the market are nothing more than flavoured sugar water.

A fantastic option is to invest in a decent juicer and create your own fruit juice.

When compared to processed alternatives, this will offer the most freshness and nutrients.

Juicing using fresh fruit offers a How to Lose Weight Fast - Amazing Wight Loss Tips

natural supply of the fruit sugar known as “fructose.”

Last but not least be patient with yourself and set realistic goals so You will not be disappointed when stepping on the scales.

Leave comments and questions below.

2 thoughts on “How to Lose Weight Fast – Amazing Wight Loss Tips”

  1. This is very helpful, I have been in lockdown for 4 months and really have to lose that lockdown weight. I never knew that you had to drink so much water. How much is recommend and how much is too much? Also, I must admit I do like a beer or two. Can I still enjoy a couple of brews now and again?  You talk about lean protein, but I’m not sure I understand. Can I still eat red meat? I am waiting for your answer. Thanks in advance.


    • Hi Stephen, our bodies are made of 80% water and we should drink about 2 liters of water a day. I say everything in moderation. The thing to remember is, do not eat your dinner too late at night since your body does not burn off the fat. Try to do some light exercises inside, if you are in Lockdown you can go on YouTube there you can find exercise videos you can do at home with little to no equipment. I wish you good luck with your weight lose 

      Remember everything in moderation and be patient with yourself Hope this helps

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