Today I want to look at How to lose weight with fat-free cooking Now.
This Guide will help you succeed on your weight loss journey.
Let’s Go….
Whole plants supply macro and micronutrients (unless you have a specific health concern).
Eat whole (unprocessed), plant-based foods (not animal).
Oil is NOT an entirely healthy food.
This low-fat diet is natural.
Resource: How to lose belly fat Effectively by eating right – Guide
Oil Free Cooking
Due to the high-fat content (35%), it may take time to acclimatise. 90-day ones exist.
Eliminating high-fat items from your diet helps your body and brain adjust.
This is only for 90 days can help (rather than THIS IS FOREVER).
Some may prefer a slower, step-by-step approach.
The following measures may help reduce fat from eating habits, but context matters.
1. Recognize fatty meals.
Meat, dairy, eggs. Unless trimmed, they’re fatty (in which case they are unhealthy for other reasons).
Olive oil and coconut oil
All are 100% fat. “Fat-free” frying spray is 100% fat. (The FDA allows rounding to zero.)
Refined foods. Read ingredient labels.
Determine fat calories. If 20% or more calories come from fat, it’s high fat.
50-70% of calories usually come from fat. Even without fat, most processed food is unhealthy. Fattier veggies.
Raw nuts (75–92% fat), avocados (88%), coconut (92%), and olives (98 per cent fat).
Soybeans and traditional soy meals have 40% fat (tofu, soy milk, tempeh, miso, edamame, etc.).
Soy burgers, soy turkey, and other non-traditional soy products are high in fat.
(They should be avoided even if low-fat because they contain unhealthy soy isolates.
Resources: Mediocre – Free Video Presentation
2. Avoid meat, oils, and high-fat processed foods.
You won’t cook using outside food. If outside food is gone, you’ll learn to live without it.
3. Limit high-fat plants.
Addicts should avoid high-fat plant foods (at least until you have this addiction totally under control).
If you choose to eat these foods, limit yourself to one ounce per day.
Moderately eat traditional soy meals and avoid synthetic soy.
4. Cook oil-free.
Read food labels.
Buy low-fat packaged foods (no more than 2.5 grammes of fat per 100 calories).
Check the components.
Avoid lard, butter, coconut, cocoa butter, palm oil, shortening, and margarine.
6. Request oil-free cuisine at eateries.
In certain restaurants, ordering healthful meals takes courage.
Fearless! Your health!
Ask the waiter if vegan dishes may be done without additional oils.
Cooking veggies in water or vegetable broth rather than oil is the best option.
Most restaurants will try to delight you.
Restaurants may lack oil-free salad dressings.
Try balsamic vinegar, salsa, lemon juice, or fruit.
Bring a small container of your own salad dressing.
Resources: Diets that actually help you Lose Weight – Act Today
Oil-free cooking
1. Use one of the dozens of oil-free, whole-food, plant-based recipes.
2. Steam veggies. Easy!
3. Sauté vegetables in water, broth, or vinegar.
4. Brown veggies for taste. Chef Del Sroufe performs.
Mary McDougall believes broiled onions are delicious alone or with other vegetables.
1 1/2 cups chopped onions and 1 cup water can brown and flavour meals.
Stir occasionally over medium heat until liquid evaporates, and onions stick to the pan.
Stir for a minute, then add 1/2 cup water, releasing browned bits. Re-evaporate the liquid.
Repeat until the onions (or vegetables) are cooked to your liking.
You may also brown carrots, capsicums, garlic, potatoes, shallots, zucchini, and veggies.
5. Substitute oil when baking.
Applesauce, aqua faba, mashed bananas, mashed potatoes, pumpkin, or tomato sauce can replace oil.
Pureed tofu, soft silken tofu, soy yoghurt, and ground flaxseeds are high-fat alternatives.
Method 1:
Puree a 12-ounce bag of pitted prunes with 1/4 cup of water.
Process and add water slowly to attain desired consistency (similar to applesauce).
It can be refrigerated for weeks.
Fill a blender to the 3-cup mark with water.
Fill a 4-cup measuring cup with prunes. Smoothly blend
Resource: Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic – Free Video Presentation
Substitute tofu
6. Substitute tofu, aqua faba, avocado, or legumes for oil in dressings and sauces.
Garbanzo juice works too.
WFPB salad dressings and sauces without oil.
Mary McDougall offers tips on baking cakes and muffins.
“Oil-free cakes and muffins are heavier.
Carbonated water makes baking lighter than tap water.
Use a toothpick or cake tester to examine baked cakes and muffins.
Oil-free cakes and muffins may need to bake longer depending on weather or altitude.
Use balsamic vinegar instead of oil when roasting veggies.
Use non-stick cookware
9. Use non-stick cookware, parchment, and silicone dishes.
10. Let’s also look at Oil Free Cooking
Not having cooked without oil might be mind-boggling.
Kitchen (and body) oil disposal often elicits “What do you mean?” How?
Most of us have never heard obesity is unhealthy, so it’s hard to imagine.
Olive oil?
Olive oil, canola, corn, flax, and other oils have substantial downsides.
- Maple syrup,
- balsamic vinegar,
- soy milk,
- vegetable broth,
Water has fewer calories per tablespoon than oil.
See “Why Go SOS-Free” on why oil is unhealthy.
We want to ingest fats in their natural packaging—whole foods—not oil, which our body rejects.
Resources: The Importance of Health and Fitness in Life
The following are some suggestions for cooking without the use of oil:
Replace oil with water or vegetable broth when sautéing vegetables.
These are the most frequent sautéing oil substitutes.
Cooking veggies releases a lot of water, therefore little is needed.
Watch your pan, so your vegetables don’t stick; I have a glass of water handy.
When all the water evaporates, food can stick or burn quickly.
With a few tablespoons of water, sauté onions, celery, mushrooms, and capsicums.
Add the vegetables when it crackles and stir till tender.
Sautéing boosts glucose
Oil with water or broth masks the meal’s flavour.
Chop veggies, fries, tofu, tempeh, etc. don’t need oil or an oil-based marinade.
If left in long enough, these items will faintly brown.
It depends on what you’re baking (with something like fries) if you want crispness.
Baked items can be made without oil
Oil adds flavour and softens and emulsifies baked goods.
Instead of oil, use bananas, apples/applesauce, dried fruit, dates, and tofu.
Cooked quinoa and banana replace oil in my cornbread recipe.
Practising how much banana replaces oil in a dish will help you adapt it next time.
Instead of oil…
Instead of oil, use parchment paper to prepare pans for cakes, loaves of bread, or cookies.
Parchment is silicone-coated, disposable paper.
(It’s different from wax paper but sold near it in stores.)
Or use food-grade, safe silicone loaf and muffin pans, bread, and cupcakes pop right out.
Silicone mats help bake evenly (cookies and roasting vegetables). Silicone bake ware and mats are reusable.
If I’m following a recipe for salad dressing, I skip the oil and use water or juice to compensate.
I think you’ll appreciate the fresher, cleaner taste of a salad sans oil.
Homemade oil-free dressings If I’m preparing a blended sauce, I’ll add strawberries, cucumbers, or mango.
Creamy dressings might include calorie-dense tofu, avocado, or soaked almonds.
Resources: Biofit Free Video Presentation
Fresh herbs
Fresh herbs (basil, cilantro, parsley) add flavour to homemade salad dressings.
YouTube explains oil production.
The video amazed me with how many processes are needed to make canola oil.
This isn’t food by the end.
Your taste receptors will adjust to no oil in two to four weeks.
As someone who rarely cooks with oil, I find it overwhelming when I do.
Congratulations on ditching oil! Please offer tips for replacing oil.
Let’s go a bit further…
11. Everyone loves baking but let’s do it without oil
If you embrace a healthy plant-based lifestyle, home-baked foods are a great reward.
To make vegan food healthy, replace the oil or butter.
My top replacement tips:
Applesauce unsweetened
This can replace oil in cakes, muffins, and cookies.
Replace 1/2 cup oil or margarine with 1/3 cup applesauce.
Instead of applesauce, use whole nut kinds of butter to make crisp or thin cookies
Resources: How Many Calories Should You Eat per Day to Lose Weight?
Nut kinds of butter
Sunflower, almond, and cashew butter make great cookies. Choose oil-free options.
Cashew butter’s light flavour works well.
Sunflower and almond butter are also fantastic, although they add a nuttiness.
Those with nut allergies or a low-fat diet should avoid nut kinds of butter.
Silken tofu can replace oil in cookies, muffins, cakes, and brownies.
It’s perfect for dense products like chocolate or banana bread.
Replace 1/2 cup oil or margarine with 1/3 cup pureed silken tofu.
Chickpea or white bean liquid.
The taste is unremarkable, and the consistency is similar to that of vegetable oil.
It’s fantastic for cookies, cakes, muffins, bars, and slices.
Replace oil in recipes with aqua faba.
You may make scones, muffins, and loaves with pumpkin or sweet potato puree.
Replace 1/2 cup oil or margarine with 1/3 cup mashed pumpkin.
This is only an option if you desire a pumpkin taste.
I hope How to lose weight with the fat-free cooking Now was helpful.
Good Luck on your Weight Loss Journey
Till next time
Thanks for healthy article Elke!
One can easily lose weight with fat free cooking and healthy eating. Fat free recipes are not only great for weight loss but also for general weight maintenance. They are also a great way to keep your budget in check. In this article you offers some simple tips on how you can eat healthy without breaking the bank and without resorting to fad diets.
It is not a secret that the food we eat plays a crucial role in determining how healthy and fit we are. The problem with eating unhealthy food is that it can trigger weight gain, and this can lead to obesity or other serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
In this article you explained step-by-step how to lose weight with fat free cooking.
Thank you for your comment, Prashant,
Yes, we can still crate and cook delicious food without adding fat. We just have to change the way we prepare and cook out food.
There are so may fat free recipes you can get of the internet and there are also YouTube tutorials on fat free cooking
Once you decide to cook fat free its a lifestyle change not just a diet.
To lose weight, one needs to burn more calories that you consume. Healthy foods are normally lower in calories than processed foods, and specially if the food has been fried in oil. Although there are healthy fats like avocado, nuts and olive oil, it is best to avoid them if you want to lose weight.
I am not sure what you mean when you say “Applesauce, aqua faba, mashed bananas, mashed potatoes, pumpkin, or tomato sauce can replace oil”, as I do not know how it will be used instead of oil, but I will give it a try. Thank you for sharing this resource.
Thank you for your comment, Line,
Yes, we do have to watch want we eat to lose weight and starting to cook without fat or oil is a lifestyle change not just a diet.
We are on a wight lose journey its for life not just to lose weight
Thanks again for your comment